Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lessons from the Laundromat

The last thing I wanted to do today was go to the laundromat. I hate the laundromat, and as an optimist there isn't much that I can really say I "hate". I hate coconut, I hate public restrooms, I hate the laundromat. It grosses me out to think of my clothes mingling with whatever creepy goo might be left from the load before mine. I wouldn't have gone except school starts Thursday (yeah, Thursday, weird day to start school!) and we've been without the washer for a week. I have a bed wetter (not my youngest either) and did I mention.....school starts Thursday. The fix it man won't arrive until next week.

Next time I forgo the fancy dancy appliance for the one my dad, neighbor, passer-by can fix.

Amazing what you can learn while cringing with disgust.

My soon to be 1st grade daughter can read, without pictures, "Sorry, No pets allowed." And she has the audacity, I mean, self-confidence, to tell a stranger entering with a cute puppy.

My 13 yr old can be incredibly generous to his 11 year old brother, who failed to bring something to do. (Of course he didn't...those were my last words as we left the house. He's the one that hears the first thing I say, and only the first thing.)

My 11 year old has it in him to defend his 13 year old brother, who failed to bring his guitar. (See, he tends to hear the last thing I say, just like it was the only thing I said) The first thing I said was "Remember your guitar and football gear, we won't have time to come home first".

My children are kind to strangers.....even really strange, ehem...unique strangers. They held open doors, picked up trash, smiled, chatted appropriately, impressed fellow patrons by reading in their few spare moments, helped a woman using a walker, and even loaded the clean clothes....without being asked!

Did I mention the fix it man arrives next week? And of course he'll need to order parts....

So my next trip to the dreaded laundromat may be on my own. (Remember school starts Thursday, weird...Thursday!) I hope my humanity rises to the level of my children. I feel a little guilty now that I didn't have it in me to bring my own clothes.

I really do hate the laundromat.

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