Sunday, June 14, 2009

Family Has Your Back

I have often told my children how fortunate they are to have each other. In fact just last year we had a friend visiting who had burned bridges with her siblings and I used this as an example of how important it is to keep your family close. You never know when you will need them, or they will need you. Family has your back.

Now I say that, and relate it to my children, but I will be honest, I don't like to depend on anyone. I am self-relient to a fault. Even depending on God is an act of discipline on my part. I rarely ask for help and if I can't do something I figure out how.

When I planned the life I would provide for my children I was excited that I had such a great extended family to offer them. It never occurred to me that I would actually come to the place of relying on them. I was fully prepared to meet every need my children may have. I knew they were broken. This was part of my desire to provide a home for them, I knew I was strong enough. I am.

But this isn't about my strength. Friday my Mom and I drove my nearly 16 year old daughter 921 miles to her Aunt and Uncles for the summer. I planned for what I could do for my children.....I didn't plan what I might need others to do. The issue is I have three other children and along with her own personal issues Sissy has become a danger to them. She does not have their back.

So I am in a position I never anticipated. I need my family, and they had my back.

I am thankful.

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