Monday, June 8, 2009

I Just Couldn't Watch.....

My ADHD son had a job to do today. I thought it was easy enough. Pick up the trash that had blown into our yard due to our summer winds. Oh yeah and put the bags of aluminum cans in the back of the Suburban. Two hours later there were actually aluminum cans in the Suburban. The barn doors were open, and one of the bags was sitting behind the vehicle....there were also tailless scorpions in bottles, sledge hammers on the lawn, an intricate drawing in the dirt, and trash.....oh, trash? It took another 6 hours for the trash and he will still need to finish tomorrow.

I just couldn't watch.

I tried to laugh, but although I know he is a good kid, what will others think of his character? He is an attractive, hilariously funny and intelligent 13 year old young man. ADHD is invisible. I finally decided I would save those concerns for another time and I laughed. He may be taking forever to do a simple task, but he is doing it with a good attitude. It reminded me of the time he fell asleep after spending three hours not matching and folding socks, he had to finish that the next day too. I went in search of the pictures.....

I entered the house to find my 11 year old had totally taken apart the stereo system.

I'm not laughing....yet.

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