Friday, June 19, 2009

It's All Part of the Plan

What a week...I've been trying to keep busy since taking my daughter to family for the summer and my yard looks it. I'm sure when its done it will be amazing, but the in between is a mess. Piles of dirt haphazardly dumped, tools scattered about, no evidence of a plan. It's all in my head.

I've got my two teenagish sons helping. One is 13 with ADHD inattentive type. He thinks he should be reading a book. Any book....anything but ...ugh, working! My younger son is 11. ADHD combined type, incredibly impulsive and very competitive. He loves working as long as he gets the biggest shovel, and gets to control the hose (watch out!). So I've got two sons moving dirt. My 13 year old has made a dent, mainly from leaning too hard on the shovel, and my 11 year old has dug a hole so deep whoever is at the other end will have to help fill it in!

I just keep plugging away, setting a good example, biting my tongue, letting them see what works and what doesn't. May be today will be the day I see the results of my efforts, but may be not. I'm OK either way.

It's all part of the plan.

But the sunburn wasn't, ouch!

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