Thursday, June 11, 2009

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Kids....Huh?

When I mention that my four children are adopted the first comment is usually, "Aaaaw, it takes such a special person to do that." I always reply, "No, I'm not the special one. They made me a mom."

I am always happy to share our story, my children are as well. We adopted our oldest three as a sibling set at 8, 6 and 4. Their birth mom had two older children being raised by their birth father and a son born in a neighboring county after our three were in foster care. He was adopted in his county of birth. A year after placement we were blessed with her 7th child, a baby girl born in 2003. I'm sure you've already thought about what I hear next. "When are THEY going to tie her tubes?"

I usually hold it together. Then I calmly ask, "So, which of my children shouldn't have been born?" I then inquire, "Who is they?" Needless to say I don't get very good answers to either question. There just aren't any. An apology is the general response. Very much appreciated and my point all along.

I am honestly not genuinely offended by the comments. What really gets me is the lack of respect for personal liberty. Follow the link to this story....

I'd defend his liberty as well...but we shouldn't be paying for his 20+ kids.

So much more I could say but I'm off to dinner....just something to think about.

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